Private therapy services offered in the following areas:
Limited words or vocabulary
Trouble following directions
Difficulty answering questions
Limited ability to combine words into phrases​
Difficulty with correct grammar or word order ("I has two book")
Incorrect pronoun usage ("Her is going out")
Stories that are difficult to follow
Speech that is difficult to understand
Difficulty saying certain sounds or longer words
Trouble with the 's' sound (says "thoft" instead of "soft")
Trouble with the 'r' sound (says "wed wabbit" instead of "red rabbit")
Leaving sounds off the end of words
Limited repertoire of sounds
Sound confusions or substitutions (says "tat" instead of "cat")
Shows frustration at not being understood
Specially trained to treat Childhood Apraxia of Speech
Repetitions of sounds, syllables, or single words
- Unintended sound prolongations
Restarting phrases repeatedly
Inserting uncontrolled pauses ("blocks") while speaking
Negative reactions to speaking
Difficulty understanding or using the nonverbal rules of communication
Challenges varying speech style given different situations
Challenges understanding other people's perspective
Trouble texting/emailing others appropriately
Challenges with complex problem solving skills such as inferencing or predicting